Back in the days of Neanderthals
Men hunted, grunted,
Drew pictures up on walls.
Lived in caves, never bathed.
If it wasn’t for our better half
We’d be that way today.
I’m convinced what makes a man a man is
Can’t live without ’em.
Wouldn’t even want to try.
Oh no not I
Ain’t no dog man’s best friend
It’s W-O-M-A-N
Now according to ancient history
A mighty man named Samson was as strong as he could be.
Got his strength from his wavy long hair
No man could bring him harm
No man would even dare.
Guess you know who brought him down in the end
Everything men are
Everything men do
Seems to revolve around you know who
No there aint no doubt
Who carries the clout
Hell, I’m spelling it out
Now guys, when we die
Go up to heaven
We’ll meet Peter at them “Pearlies”
And ask for his permission,
To come on in and meet with the Boss
Well we better bring some roses in a crystal vase.
‘Cause there’s no telling God may be one of them
I’m talking W-O-M-A-N
(Repeat Chorus)
Jon Michaels
I remember the first line “Back in the days of Neanderthal men hunted. grunted, drew pictures up on walls” I thought that was a fun line to sing. I stayed the whole day locked up in my house just saying that line over and over again. Finally, I asked God for some inspiration on where this idea should go… when you listen to the song you will see what God thought would be a good hook and direction for this song.